LLB first-year-old question
Constitutional Law Exam Year / 2079
Jurisprudence 2075, LLB first year
Family Law 325 / LLB first year 2075
Law of Contract (325) , LLB first year 2076
Tribhuvan University
2075 LL.B / LAW / I Year
Full Marks: 100
Comparative Law and Nepalese Legal System (324)1
Time: 3 hrs.
candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. All the questions are of equal value.
Attempt any FIVE questions.
- What t do you mean by comparative approach to legal studies?
- Explain. at are the sources of Hindu and Muslim law? Explain.
- Are Chinese law and the socialist legal system the same or different? Shed light on the development of socialist law family.
- Explain the influences of the major legal system in the Nepalese legal system.
- Point out the existing and new features of Nepalese legal system in the light of the constitutional development in the year 2015.
- What are the recent development & trends of judicial system in Nepal? Explain.
- Differentiate between common law & Civil law family in brief.
- Write short notes on any THREE of the followings.
a. Comparative law
b. Legal system in Lichhavi period.
c. Law making process in Nepal.
d.recognition of precedent in Nepal.
e. ADR in Nepal
Tribhuvan University 2075 LLB / LAW / I Year procedural Law (322)
- 1. What do you mean by writ of habeas corpus? Explain the importance of tie writ of habeas corpus on the basis of the decision of the supreme court in the case of Parsu Ram Banjare (Banjade) Vs. Durga Das Sharestha, .Bagmati Special Court & others. (division bench) NKP, 007 no. 7 p.157
- Substantive law as v law of right guarantees the rights_of any person where as procedural law provide the Procedures in case the legal rights are violated. Explain the importance of the substantive and the procedural law.
- Explain the ordinary jurisdiction of the supreme court of Nepal in brief .
- Principles of the natural justice cannot be ignored. Explain the principles of natural justice on the basis of the cases decided by the supreme court of Nepal.
- What is original jurisdiction? What are the original jurisdictions of the Kathmandu District Court? Explain in brief.
- What are the differences between review and revision? Mention the grounds of the revision of the cases by the supreme court of Nepal.
- Write short notes on any THREE oft e followings. / a. Precedent b.Laches c. Ainicus curiae d.Locus standi e. Mandamus
LLB / LAW / I Year
Jurisprudence (321)
Full Marks: 100 Time: 3 hrs,
- Define jurisprudence and explain its scope and importance What do you Know about Realist School of Jurisprudence?Exp!ain two different thought of Realist School of Jurisprudence .
- Define law and state the function and sources of law in brief.
- Explain the relationship between, rights and duties.
- What is person? Explain What is the legal status of (a) Dead person, (b) unborn person, (c) Animal
- Explain the basic concept of property and its kinds.
- Define and differentiate between ownership and possession.
- Write short notes on any three of the followiugs_ a. Feminist jurisprudence . b. Concept of rule of law c. Equity, Justice and good conscience d. Difference between obligation and liability e. Distributive Justice.
LL.B / LAW I Year Taxation Law (324)
Tribhuvan University 2075
Full Marks: 50 Tirne- 1/2 hrs.
- How does Nepalese judiciary control over Tax Administration? Discuss it in the light of relevant laws.
- Express-ten concept and principles of VAT. How is it substitutes to sales tax? Discuss.
- Explain the.facts and ratio enunciated by the Supreme Court in MD Hishore Kalwar. vs. Tax Office, Kathmandu, (2045) case.
- Discuss the method of filing tax returns under the income tax Act, 2058.
- Write short notes of any THREE of the followings.
- Rights and duties of taxpayer
- Assessment' of width tax.
- Payment of house and land tax
- House Rent tax
- Tax-related offenses
Law of contract / LLB First Year / 2021/08/29
𝐋𝐋.𝐁/𝐋𝐀𝐖/ 𝐈 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥) 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐚𝐰 (𝟑𝟐𝟐)
𝐄𝐱𝐚𝐦 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫 :𝟐𝟎𝟕𝟔
About LLB
The full form of LLB is Legum Baccalaureus.This word is derrived from latin word.In Nepal this is considered as Bachelors of Law. This is three year course. Nepal Law Campus first collage in Nepal introduce LLB in Nepal. This is the three course. In Nepal only after the graduation of LLB and BA LLB, an individual will be eligible to be advocate. Mean while there are many other collages from which we can study law.
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