Comedy Champion Season 2 Audition Open | How to give audition in Comedy Champion Season The audition for the popular reality show Comedy Champion Season 2 is open from today. The show, which was very popular last year, is now taking digital auditions due to the Corona epidemic. The comedy champion has stated that you can participate in the audition till September 30. Steps for the Audition go to the app of Comedy Champion upload videos up to a maximum of 4 minutes and 59 seconds .From the videos received, the comedy champion will choose the best and invite you to participate in the reality show. This time the comedy champion will be broadcast on Kantipur Television. The winner of the first season was Himesh Pant. Comedy Champion program producer Vishal Bhandari and judges Santosh Pant, Manoj Gajurel, Pradip Bhattarai and Richa Sharma . For More Information Please contact Three Production Pvt.Ltd. Ratopul Kathmandu website : Comedy Champion is the m...
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