Laxmi Capital Market, a subsidiary of the bank, will open 80 million units of Laxmi Unnati Kosh worth Rs. 800 million to the public from Shrawan 11th 2077. Will lengthen
Out of the total units to be evacuated, 12 million or at least 15 percent of the total number of units sold has been reserved to the fund promoter Laxmi Bank. The general public will be able to apply for the remaining 68 million units.
The general public will be able to apply for 100 units to 8 million units with a face value of Rs 10 per unit. All C-ASBA members who have received approval from the Nepal Securities Board can apply from banks and financial institutions and their designated branch offices.
Such collective investment funds are a good way to make safe investments for new and small investors who do not want to invest directly in the stock market at their own risk.
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