NRN Infrastructure IPO sale Open from Today ( July 31 2020) | NRN Infrastructure IPO Open
NRN Infrastructure and Development Company Limited is going to issue the initial public offering IPO from July 31 2020 Today.If there are not enough applications in the application of the company as early as July 7 and if there are not enough applications within that period, they can apply till August 20.
Investors will be able to apply for a minimum of 10 units and a maximum of 3,160,180 units
About Company
NRN Infrastructure and Development Limited (NRNIDL) was registered in Kathmandu under the Company Act 2063,” in Nepal (September 2012) with the main motive of collective investment in hydropower sector in initial phase meanwhile exploring other investment avenues of national priorities too. Initially the company was registered in the name NRN Investment Limited which was changed to NRN Infrastructure & Development Limited in February 2, 2017.
With liberalization in the state policies that allows private investors to build and operate hydropower projects and in the context of high demand for power in the country, significant development as expected of the energy sector is yet to happen. Investment in this sector was highly awaited. At the very outset, with major objective to mobilize the knowledge, skills, capital and other resources for the socio-economic development of Nepal in co-operation with the government, “NRN Infrastructure and Development Limited was registered in Kathmandu under the Company Act 2063,” in Nepal (September 2012) with the main motive of collective investment for a swift and smooth inflow of capital investment in prioritized sectors in Nepal.
The registered office of the company is located in Kathmandu, < Nepal. The objective of the company is to make investment in the development sectors such as hydropower sector thereby contributing to the overall development of Nepal
Care Rating
The care rating nepal has given grade 4 Grade-4-assigned-to-Initial-Public-Offer-of-NRN-Infrastructure-and-Development- Limited.pdf)
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